Differences between Service Clubs & the Sovereign Order

Charitable organizations set out to help others working towards a common goal, but every organization is different. Service clubs are declining in numbers, while the Sovereign Order of St. John has grown internationally.

Strongly based in more than 1000 years of tradition, the Sovereign Order of St. John continues to grow with the times. The primary effort of the Sovereign Order of St. John is to aid the sick and the poor.

Rooted in tradition and rich in history, the Sovereign Order of St. John was a charitable, religious and military organisation and as such is significantly different from other, more familiar service clubs. While both types of groups do great work for their communities and in their chosen areas, the Sovereign Order is governed by different systems; concentrating on the integrity of each member, and how he/she can best add to the Sovereign Order’s charitable mission.

As in the early days of the Sovereign Order of St. John, the Order’s ranks and hierarchy are taken from the military organisation in form although as a volunteer organisation, the focus is on helping the sick and poor. The 1000 plus years of history are upheld through the tradition, ranks, formal dress and ceremonies. Membership is by invitation, based on each individual’s accomplishments including community and charitable activities.