Helping the Sick & the Poor

In 1023, Caliph al-Zahir granted a delegation from Amalfi the permission to build a hospital, church, and monastery in Jerusalem. He allocated land to the Amalfitans near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for those purposes. It is this grant of permission that planted the seeds – and the vision – of our Sovereign Order.

Today, as then, a primary objective of our Order is to support the sick and poor in Christ. To this end each Commandery chooses the charities, mostly local, it will support, some choosing a few larger projects and others distribute smaller contributions over a broader spectrum. But everywhere, the joy of seeing others helped is a fundamental reason for membership.

All funds contributed for charities go to the designated charities. The annual Oblations (dues), paid by members, are used to cover the low operating costs and for additional donations. Commanderies and Priories have a variety of fundraising events and campaigns, the net funds of which go directly to the charities.

Below is a summary of the current primary charitable focus of each Commandery around the world. Within each summary are links (“Current” and “Previous“) which will take you to far more detail on the charities supported in the current period and over the years:

Grand Priory of Canada > Priory of Caledonia > Vancouver Commandery

Vancouver Current

In 2023, 17 charities were supported (including the third-year pledge to Lumara) for a total of $181,803. While the charities were predominantly Hospice focused there were also support for pain management, autism, vocational training, suicide prevention and music therapy, a broad and diverse group of organizations. Additionally as normal the Commandery was very active with hands-on activities with multiple organizations, including the Ronald McDonald House and Quest Food Exchange.

Vancouver Previous

Grand Priory of Canada > Priory of Cascadia > Okanagan Commandery

Okanagan Current

In 2023 the Commandery supported two charities for a total donation of $40,480. The charities were focused on addiction recovery and an inclusive playground project for children with special needs.

Okanagan Previous

Grand Priory of Canada > Priory of Caledonia > Ontario Commandery

Ontario Current

The Commandery Foundation has pledged $10,000 to the Dianne Morrison Hospice for the Homeless.

Ontario Previous



Grand Priory of Canada > Priory of Cascadia > Victoria Commandery

Victoria Current

Through a combination of member raised funds and a substantial grant from the Times Colonist, the Commandery was able, in 2023, to donate a total of $511,880 to 57 different charitable organizations. The support covered a wide range a community activities. It must be said the Almoner committee did an astonishing job in selecting such an array of charitable work.


Victoria Previous





Grand Priory of the United States and Central America > Priory of Northeastern United States > Cleveland Commandery

Cleveland Current

In 2023 the Commandery donated a total of $60,000 to five very worthy local charities. The support ranged from helping student mental health, clothing for victims of sex trafficking and items for disadvantaged children and homeless people.


Cleveland Previous

Washington DC Commandery

Washington DC Current

The current focus is on providing wheelchairs to local organizations in need.


Washington DC Previous

Grand Priory of the United States and Central America > Priory of Southeastern United States > The Palm Beaches Commandery

Palm Beaches Current

The Commandery donated a total of $57,500 in 2023, to a broad range of nine local charities. Additionally a grants made to support aid in Israel/Gaza. Further $232,500 was released from restricted funds to support Phase 1 construction of the FHBC major project

Palm Beaches Previous


Grand Priory of the United States and Central America > Priory of Western United States > St. Joseph Commandery (San Jose, California)

St Joseph Current

For 2023 the Commandery has selected eight charities to support for a total of $260,000. The focus is on the poorer or disadvantaged areas of the community, in particular to schools, healthcare, homeless support and people with a wide range of disabilities. Additionally, there is a new focus on hands-on activities to engage our members in practical support of local charities with special projects.


St. Joseph Previous

Grand Priory of the United States and Central America > Priory of San Francisco Bay > St. Francis Commandery

St. Francis Current

The Commandery focused on support the Budapest Commandery with a $30,000 donation to help support child refugees from Ukraine. Upcoming support will focus on homeless prenatal care, a children’s Hospice and higher education for severely wounded veterans.

St. Francis Previous

Grand Priory of the United States and Central America > Priory of Western United States > Sierras Commandery

Sierras Current

The Commandery donated a total of $125,000 to five different charities during 2023. The support ranged from a refrigerated truck for food distribution to needy families, to medical support for those that can’t afford them, to clothing for the needy and more.

Grand Priory of St. Henrik (Finland)

Tampere Current

During the operating year 2023, the Tampere Commandery made two donations worth a total of 8,000 euros. 6,000 euros were directed to the deaconry work of the Messukyla congregation and 2,000 euros through the Church’s foreign aid to help the needy in Syria.


Grand Priory of St. Henrik Previous

Grand Priory of France > Priory of Brittany


Priory of Brittany Previous

Commandery of Hungary


Hungary Previous

Grand Priory of the UK and Ireland > Commandery of Glasgow

Glasgow Current

Commandery support focused locally on a school project, Protect 81, The Phoenix Choir and a Ukrainian refugee in Scotland.  In addition the Commandery sent £5,000 to the Budapest Commandery to support their efforts with Ukrainian refugees.

Glasgow Previous

Grand Priory of the UK and Ireland > Commandery of London

London Current

The Commandery donated a total of £10,000 divided equally among a Marie Curie Hospice, Camphill Village Trust, St Vincent’s Nursing Home and Prost (8) UK, a cancer charity.  Future focus will be on supporting a single selected charity.

London Previous

Dagmar Commandery

Dagmar Current

We continue to support our capital project, to build a centre of Excellence in Pediatric Palliative care. It will be the first of its kind in Denmark, in fact in all of Scandinavia. Every one of our members is totally committed to achieving our mission, knowing it may take five to six years to see its doors open. Completing our Certification requirements of having l million DKK in our OPEX account has proven to be a challenge and as a result we were unable to launch our fundraising campaign this year. We have raised almost 500,000 DKK and hope to raise the balance in 2024-25 so we will receive tax exemption status for our Foundation and be able to issue tax receipts.

Dagmar Previous